Friday, October 19, 2007


A new beginning! Something new to try here and see what happens. My purpose with this blog site is not written in stone, but I'm thinking that it will be a good way to be in touch with interested people. My new business, Emmaline Design, has 2 elements. One aspect is designing patterns for quilts and related items. The other aspect is the development of my longarm quilting services. Both of these are in the starting stages, and one of my biggest challenges so far is just finding the time! I have many things on my plate, but I am sure that this is the direction that I want to move, so I know things will change to make room. People ask me how I am going to have time for a new business, but I honestly am not deeply concerned about it because I am confident that I can be successful. I know it can happen. One can make time for the things that are important.
So today I didn't get any quilting done yet, but did spend some time designing a new pattern for a bag to be shared at an upcoming retreat. I have a share in another business, Stitchin' Trips, that organizes and hosts quilt retreats. One of the things we do at our retreats is distribute something special to the participants, so that is what this pattern is for. I hope it is a hit! Have to go sew in the zipper now, it is done except for that and I had to make a run to JoAnn's to find the right color and length.
All for now--

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