Thursday, November 12, 2009

a good read x 2

I mostly get my books in the form of recordings, but there is still a chance now and then to get my hands on the pages of a book and become engrossed. I love books, always have, and found that I could turn my drive time into reading time with the help of recorded books. I usually enjoy the voice of the reader, occasionally not but that's easy to deal with by just turning it off and moving on to something else. Bob and I have gone through many, many recorded books from our local libraries. But we do still like a good old-fashioned read, and buy books for special occasions or recycle books from friends--Debbie seems to always have a new book to pass along to me, I swear she never sleeps! Anyway, I just finished reading Ashes to Ashes by Tami Hoag, it's a bit grisly in a few places but the redeeming quality is that it is set in Minneapolis so that makes it fun to read. Now I have started on The Girls from Ames by Jeffrey Zaslow. Can't remember where I first heard about it, but the idea intrigued me. With that title, it could be a romance novel starring my hunky handsome nephew, Spencer, living in Ames and attending ISU. But no, it's nonfiction and is the story of 11 women who grew up in Ames and the paths of their lives. They are a little bit younger than me, but we share many common experiences stemming from similar childhood backgrounds. Might be something you would like to read...
It's been a very healthy week around here, and Bob and I can now proclaim this to be a polyp-free household! We have done our duty and been examined inside and out like never before! With a clean bill of health, we should be good for quite awhile, at least long enough to wear out the new washing machine! With any luck, it will still be around 10 years from now for our next colonoscopy experience!

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