Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Exciting news!!

Last Saturday night while our family was wrapping up a great 4 day fishing trip we had a little "sharing time" for everyone (33 of us) to tell each other what was happening in our lives and count our blessings.  Well, Ben surprised us all and got down on bended knee with a ring box in his hand and asked Brita to marry him!  Wow!  To share that moment with all of us was so thoughtful.  So here you see the happy couple who have not stopped smiling, and the beautiful diamond gracing Brita's finger.  We are thrilled to welcome Ben into our family and look forward to their decisions about when and where they want to have their wedding.  Living in San Francisco with family and friends in many states and around the world does make for some interesting thoughts about what to do.  Right now we are waiting for my parents as they drive here from Iowa for a visit, they don't know the news yet so they will get the surprise tonight! Ben met many of the Hansens on our fishing trip, it was his first time to witness that big gang and they loved having both of them.  We all hauled in several fish during our 3 days on Lake Winnibigoshish, 3 fishfry meals for everyone plus some to freeze and take home for those who weren't off to the airport.  Don't think the ziplock bags of walleye fillets would pass through security very well!  We had 4 generations at the reunion with 6-wk-old Kyle the youngest in attendance.  He is held by his dad, Mike, while Olivia and Dan give fishing advice.  For a rookie fisherman, Ben did manage to haul in one of the biggest walleye!  I am loving the fact that we have our kids home together for a few days, however brief it may be.  Dan has been a big help teaching me things about my new MacBook.  It is way cool!  Will update you on developments!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations are in order!!! Looks like a fun trip too!
Nancy in WI

Mary said...

Hello Pam,
We haven't met yet , but it won't be long before we do...I am Ben's Mom!
I enjoyed your post on the "lovebirds". They are so happy with their new status.
Best regards,