Thursday, April 15, 2010

woe is me...

Judging by the looks of this latest project, one might think that I have run out of fabric and now have to resort to sewing up my selvage scraps. So sad.
But look what can come out of "fabric formerly known as trash".
I picked up on this block technique from a couple other blogs and websites:
Quiltville website
And there's a bonus on the Selvage Blog--my sis has a project there! Her fabric-covered coiled rope basket was shown just a couple days ago. We sisters do share a lot! Used to share a room, not always successfully, but now we happily share our love of fiber.

1 comment:

Selvage Quilter said...

Wow, I love your spider web. Such a shame you did't have real fabric to use, sigh. Not even an old shirt. :)

I really liked the one on Tall Grass Prairie Studio too.

Nice job!!
