Greetings one and all, and especially my Bubba! This name might bring up visions of a big ol' good ol' boy, but it couldn't be further from the truth in this case. Danny dubbed this name on Brita when he was just learning to talk, and it stuck! She is our little bitty bubba and I miss her bunches. She now resides in San Francisco within sight of the Golden Gate, and she literally left her heart there so had to move there to experience and enjoy life with Ben. Can you just feel from this picture how much they enjoy each other? It is wonderful to see. Nothing I like more than seeing my kids happy and loving life. Brita works at Stanford University Medical Center, she is an RN on a tele unit. Since that hospital is known for their transplant services, that is a big part of what she works with along with so many other cardio-pulmonary diagnoses. How exciting! Ben works right downtown SF as an insurance underwriter, and he tries to interpret that for us very patiently! They have lots of friends and fun out there, always involved in some sort of event. Pretty soon a road race! Brita is training for a half-marathon, her first. Wish we could be there to cheer you both on, we will have to do it long distance. We love you guys!