Tuesday, February 22, 2011

on safari

Last Wednesday we spent the day on a safari adventure in Sedona, AZ. I say this because our destination was the Safari Shoppe in the Tlaquepaque center. This is the fine establishment of our niece, Ali, and her husband, Eben. This is the first time we were able to visit them since their move back to the US from Eben's homeland of South Africa. We are super happy to have them living within a more reachable distance. Art, Sharon, Ava, Tre, Bob and I made the trip from Phoenix to Sedona in the morning, then we enjoyed a tasty lunch with Ali and Eben before visiting their place of business.

Miracle of miracles, Bob picked out a new hat! I think Ali is fighting with him over his plastic!
No big deal, you might say. Until you see this--
the lucky fishing hat, stomped on, soaked, windblown, spat upon, well aged. And maybe retired? I will believe that when I see it!
Here you will see Eben and Art explaining the virtues of a good hat to little Tre--

I would love to return to Sedona for a longer visit when I am feeling up to some hiking and exploring. We were all suffering the effects of a nasty virus, which kind of slowed us down. But
that didn't detract from the beautiful views all around us. They say there are mystical forces in those hills, I wish we had found the ones that cure the common cold!

Ava was not deterred by any old bug, in fact, she was able to wrestle this bear for a ride!
We made it back home in one piece, ears plugged and popping for long after we touched down. We hope to return to the southwest again, with plans for even more fun!


Daniel said...

I call dibs on Dad's old hat if he retires it.

Brita said...

That hat is like the Zubaz...forever with us!