Saturday, April 2, 2011

it's a bird!

I have been tuning in lately to the eagle cam located up in a tree in Decorah, IA. This eagle pair have been keeping 3 eggs warm for weeks and today the first one hatched! If you are lucky you will get a glimpse of the little fluff ball. You will also notice a dead rabbit on the edge of the nest, they must be keeping it handy for a snack on those long days and nights with the younguns. It is interesting that the behavior of the adult eagle on the nest has changed dramatically with the first hatching, before they always just sat still like a statue, now they are fluffing and moving around much more. It is a rare chance to see these huge and regal birds up close and personal!

Live Broadcasting by Ustream

1 comment:

serraking said...

I love that you posted this! On Saturday I had found a video of the first chick hatching on utube! Amazing! We have a cam in Washington that I like to look at.

Pretty amazing to see, although I feel a little like a peeping tom sometimes!